Virtual School Second Semester

Parents who have students currently enrolled in Virtual School and wish for their student to return to a brick and mortar classroom for the second semester can also use this window of time to communicate those wishes to the district, as well.

If you do not wish to change the method of instruction for your student in the second semester, there is nothing further that you need to do. 

Those who wish to opt-in or opt-out of virtual learning should follow the steps below.

If your child is currently receiving instruction through Acellus (elementary) or Edgenuity (secondary) and:

A. You would like your student to remain receiving instruction through Acellus or Edgenuity, there is nothing further that you need to do. Your student will continue to progress through the curriculum as they have been since the beginning of the school year.
B. You would like for your student to return to the physical classroom, please fill out this form by 5 p.m. on Friday, December 9. You will be contacted by your school before Winter Break with additional information. Your child will report to their school building on Wednesday, January 4.

If your child is currently receiving instruction in a school building and:

A. You would like your student to remain receiving instruction at the school building, there is nothing further that you need to do. The second semester begins on Wednesday, January 4.
B. You would like your student to be enrolled in Acellus or Edgenuity, please fill out this form by 5 p.m. on Friday, December 9. You will receive communication from the virtual learning administrators with important information including class schedule, log in information, etc., before Winter Break.

You will receive a copy of your form submission via email if you fill out a form to opt-in or opt-out. Please note, that copy could be flagged as spam by your email provider.

Please contact the Teaching & Learning office at 918-272-8182 with any questions.

