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Advisory Councils


The purpose of these advisory councils is to provide stakeholders with an opportunity for communication and feedback around specific school topics and district initiatives.


The mission of Owasso Public Schools is to provide a safe environment that equips, educates and empowers Owasso students on their journey toward outstanding character and success. By focusing on communication, community, transparency, and collaboration, we will strengthen academic achievement for all learners, build strong social-emotional support in our schools, empower educators and principals to make wise school-based decisions, and develop long-term fiscal plans that support our schools and accomplish our mission.

The Details

  • The Superintendent’s Advisory Council includes members of the community and at least one parent from each of our school sites, along with one elementary principal and one secondary principal.

  • The Teacher Advisory Council is made up of nearly 20 teachers across the district, with each school site having at least one teacher representative.

  • The Student Advisory Council consists of 12 Owasso High School students, with three representatives from each grade 9-12.

  • The Support Employee Council consists of 34 support employees from across the district. Employees included are health aides, custodians and warehouse personnel, paras, child nutrition, administrative assistants, site techs, and bus drivers.

Each advisory council will meet three times (October, January, and March) during the school year.