Students will receive a new Chromebook and charger as follows :
5th-grade students will receive a new Chromebook and charger and will use the same device through the 8th grade.
9th-grade students will receive a new Chromebook and charger and will use the same device through the 12th grade.
Students should never leave their Chromebook unattended. Students are responsible for keeping track of the Chromebook they are issued. The device issued and the charger are the student's responsibility. Please handle them with care.
Content Filter
A content filter is in place. All Chromebooks, regardless of physical location (in or out of school), will have all internet activity protected and monitored by the district. Complete information regarding use and responsibilities can be found in our
Student Technology Use Agreement.
Tips for keeping track of your device:
Take a picture of the asset sticker* and model/serial number tag
Put a sticker with your name on it on the top
Put masking tape or colorful tape on the cord with your name on it.
*All Chromebooks will be labeled with an Owasso Public Schools asset tag, barcode, and model name plates (examples below).

These tags provide information that allows us to determine the name of the student to which the specific Chromebook has been assigned. Labels may not be modified or tampered with in any way.