Become a Bus Driver Today!
Are you interested in making a difference in the lives of our students? Are you a stay-at-home parent looking for a job that allows you to attend your students’ school activities during the day? Are you retired and looking for part-time employment? How about a college student needing a way to earn extra cash?
We have the answer! Join the Owasso Public Schools team and become a school bus driver or aide today.
Full-time benefits
Paid training
Annualized pay, which means drivers are paid throughout summer and holiday breaks
Competitive pay
Great for stay-at-home parents
Be off work when your children are out of school
Did you know?
An average of 5,000 students utilize the district’s school bus service.
School buses reduce vehicle emissions and fuel usage, and studies show the average school bus replaces 30 cars.
Students riding school buses are 13 times safer than they are when riding in a car.
Visit our employment webpage for more information or to fill out an application.
Questions? Please contact the Transportation Department at 918-272-2231.