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Safety & Security Measures Established at OPS

Owasso Public Schools is committed to the safety and Security of all students and staff members. Considerable time and effort go into practicing and enhancing school safety and security. The district’s comprehensive school safety strategy includes:

  • Coordination and emergency planning with Owasso police, fire, and safety officials

  • Coordination with Tulsa County Health Department

  • Comprehensive safety plans for each school that are updated at a minimum annually–plans include evacuation, shelter-in-place, and parent communication

  • Crisis management and intervention teams in all school

  • Three School Resource Officers (SROs) are assigned to Owasso Public Schools. They patrol each of our school sites every day. We have two K-9 units that are available to our district.  

  • Secured vestibules with Mag lock doors to the front office. The office door is locked at all times and can only be opened for the public via office staff using a door release or from the inside using the handle. Staff can enter using swipe badges. 

  • Every secured vestibule has an SSID kiosk that is used to check students in and out of the building. Student, late arrival, and early dismissal can be conducted 100% through the kiosk.

  • Designated doors with Access Control are strategically located throughout our buildings at all sites. All staff has swipe access. The door schedules are managed digitally through the system. Employee/visitor identification badges are issued through Safe Schools ID. All exterior doors are secured during the day.

  • Interior and exterior cameras at all educational sites

  • Emergency “Go” kits in every school are ready in the event of an emergency

  • Ten safety drills that are conducted during the school year (2 fire, 2 lockdown, 2 intruder, 2 weather, 2 extra drills)

  • Defibrillators (AEDs) are in place and tested regularly

  • Bus loading/drop-off areas are monitored by staff