English Development Program
Mission Statement
To ensure that ALL English Learners (ELs) have access to and participate in high-quality, research-based instruction that supports academic and social growth. Emphasis will be placed on English Language Development (ELD) with the goal of active progress along the scale of limited English proficiency to fluency coupled with appropriate access to core curriculum instruction.
Program Objectives
Provide high-quality, research-based instruction for all ELs.
Provide program options and instructional programs that meet the diverse academic and linguistic needs of all ELs.
Provide ELs with instructional and support services that meet the spirit and intent of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Title III guidance, Oklahoma’s ESSA Consolidated State Plan, and Oklahoma State Department of Education requirements and guidelines.
Align all instructional programs and supports with research-based World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment (WIDA)
Exit Procedures
Students who score a 4.8 or above on the Composite Proficiency level on the ACCESS 2.0 proficiency assessment will no longer receive EL services and will be given former EL status. Former ELs are to be monitored for academic progress for four subsequent years or until graduation whichever comes first.
ELD Program Options
Parents of students who are screened for EL placement will be notified in writing of their child’s assessment score as well as program placement recommendations. Owasso Public Schools strongly encourages parents to follow district recommendations for EL status and program services. However, parents do have the right to decline English Language Learner (ELL) services by signing a waiver. If parents opt-out of ELL services for their child, the student must still take the ACCESS 2.0 assessment each year in order to assess his/her English language proficiency.
Parent Communication and Outreach
Communication at both the elementary and secondary levels will be provided to parents and guardians in the student’s home language whenever possible to ensure that families have appropriate notice regarding school activities such as parent-teacher conferences, extracurricular activities, and other special events. Additionally, progress reports, report cards, and other vital school information are communicated in the student’s home language when available.
Parent outreach efforts include the utilization of technology to deliver timely, accessible information to parents in order to keep them informed and involved in the education of their child. Translation services are also provided to parents of ELs to facilitate parent-teacher communication and to assist families in fully understanding the goals of the overall educational program.