Blended Learning in OPS
Blended Learning
Owasso Public Schools is continually making strides to provide the best possible educational experience for each and every student. As the developments in technology advance, our goal is to create an environment that encourages independent 21st-century learners and to prepare students for the world beyond Owasso. Blended Learning is part of our approach to achieving that goal.
The SAMR Model (video)
In order to continually strive toward excellence in all areas of instruction, OPS has chosen to follow the SAMR model (Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition) of instructional technology integration. This video illustrates the philosophy of the model.
The 6 P's of Blended Learning (video)
The most simple way to define blended learning is the combination of face-to-face and online instruction. The 6 P's of Blended Learning provides valuable insight regarding this concept.