Oklahoma's Accountability System
The guiding principle of Oklahoma’s new accountability system is that all students can grow and all schools can improve. Oklahoma’s accountability system (A-F Report Card) is based on a multi-measure approach, giving multiple grades for each indicator as well as a cumulative overview grade.
To clarify the purpose of the system, the OSDE considered the recommendations by Linn (2001):
• What results will be given to parents?
• What will be done with school-level results?
• How much emphasis should be placed on status versus improvement?
As is recommended by the Education Commission of the States’ recently published report (Mikulecky & Christie, 2014), Oklahoma School Report Cards will be easy to find, easy to understand and include indicators essential for measuring school and district performance.
Oklahoma Accountability Waiver 2020-21
A-F Report Card
When developing the new A-F report card system, the indicators, calculation, and design elements were grounded in the OSDE’s Strategic Plan. Specifically, the following strategies are achieved through the A-F Report Card:
› Strategy 1.4: Enable educators to meaningfully use data from a high-quality assessment and accountability system to increase student learning and close the achievement gap.
› Strategy 2.3: Provide district and school leaders with the training and support needed to improve instruction in their schools.
› Strategy 4.2: Leverage technology systems and governance collaboration to improve access to data while protecting student information, allowing the OSDE and districts to make data-informed decisions.