Instructional Services
1501 North Ash Street
Owasso, Oklahoma 74055
(918) 272-8182
Instructional Services supports Owasso Public School students and teachers in the pursuit of high-quality teaching and learning experiences. Every certified teacher in the school district is a member of a Professional Learning Community (PLC) that is structured to be responsive to the learning needs of every student. OPS Instructional Services is committed to high expectations of learning, not just for a few, but for every child.
Below is a general list of the programs that are included in Instructional Services. Each one has a particular area of focus, but together they serve our students by providing a wide range of opportunities for learning and academic support.
- Federal Programs (Title I, Title II, Title IV)
- Curriculum and Instruction, including the Strong Readers Act
- STEM Education
- Instructional Technology Integration
- Virtual and Blended Education
- Professional Development
- Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) Academic/Behavior
- Owasso Public Schools’ Teacher of the Year Program
For assistance from Teaching and Learning Services, please contact Kay Wilburn in our office at (918)272-8182.