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Certification Examination

In 1995 the Oklahoma Legislature passed House Bill 1549, which required the Oklahoma Commission for Teacher Preparation (OCTP) to develop and implement a competency-based teacher assessment system. The assessment requirements for teacher certification include tests of general education, subject-matter knowledge, and knowledge of basic professional education. To comply with the requirements for the testing component of the assessment system, the OCTP requested bids for test development and administration.

The OCTP selected the Evaluation Systems group of Pearson to develop and administer the Certification Examinations for Oklahoma Educators™ (CEOE™), which include the Oklahoma General Education Test™ (OGET™), the Oklahoma Professional Teaching Examination™ (OPTE™), and the Oklahoma Subject Area Tests™ (OSAT™). The purpose of the CEOE program is to help ensure that all candidates seeking certification in Oklahoma have the knowledge and skills necessary to perform the job of an entry-level educator in Oklahoma public schools.