Welcome Back, Rams!
Owasso Parents & Guardians,
Happy New Year! I hope this letter finds you well and that you and your family had a joyful and restful holiday season. As we begin the second semester, I am thrilled to welcome you and your students back to school. Inspiration is at the heart of everything we do. This semester, we will continue fostering a learning environment where every student feels motivated to achieve their full potential.
Professional Learning Community (PLC) - Our PLCs remain a cornerstone of our approach. Through collaboration among our dedicated educators, we analyze data, share best practices, and tailor instruction to meet the diverse needs of our students. This commitment ensures that your children receive the highest quality education. We are so grateful for your support of our four built-in collaboration days. These days allow teachers and staff to do this important work.
Safe and Nurturing Environment - Equally important is our pledge to maintain a safe and nurturing environment for every student. We understand that students thrive best when they feel secure and supported. Our faculty and staff are dedicated to building strong relationships, promoting emotional well-being, and upholding the values of respect and inclusion. The safety and security of our students and staff is our top priority. Considerable time and effort go into practicing and enhancing school safety and security.
Signed into law following the most recent legislative session, HB4073 (known as Alyssa’s Law), requires school districts to implement a mobile alert panic system. The district will continue to use the Rave Panic Button, which has been available to district staff for the last two years. This app is available to all staff members and provides five different options to immediately alert emergency responders of a situation on campus.
Bond 2025 - This fall we sought additional input from our stakeholders regarding specific district needs as well as utilized our Long Range Facilities Master Plan to develop a bond resolution which the Owasso Board of Education voted to accept at its regular monthly board meeting on Dec. 9, 2024. The bond includes two resolutions that total $197,500,000. You can read the items in each proposition on the district’s website, here.
The Owasso Community will have the opportunity to vote on both resolutions in the district's special election on February 11, 2025. The driving force behind this school bond is the need for a 5th Grade Center, which would help us accomplish a goal set in our 5-year Strategic Plan to bring full-day Pre-K to the district. Moving 5th grade to a new building next to the 6th Grade Center will provide the space needed at each elementary school for Pre-K students.
As we look to the future, this Bond resolution allows us to enhance facilities, integrate innovative technologies, and provide resources that inspire creativity and learning, which directly impacts our students' experiences. Other initiatives in the school bond include safety & security enhancements for each school site, safe structures at the 5th/6th Grade Center and 7th Grade Center, a new center for Fine Arts, a soccer complex, and facility maintenance and upgrades to Owasso High School. Additionally, the bond resolution includes four years of annual budget needs for Teaching & Learning, Operations & Maintenance, Technology, and Transportation.
If you’d like to hear more about the upcoming bond, please plan to attend one of the following Bond Community Information Forums, set for 6 p.m. on Tuesday, January 14 and Thursday, January 30 at the 6th Grade Center.
Inclement Weather: Finally, with the winter months upon us, please familiarize yourself with the Inclement Weather & Distance Learning Plan. Presently, students in all grades use Google Classroom on a regular basis. Students in grades 6-12 already carry a device to and from school each day. Should inclement weather be on the horizon, elementary students will be sent home with a device and charging cord to use for distance learning. Flexibility and grace will be extended to all students and families to resolve any issues that may occur on a distance learning day. In the event of a distance learning day, communication will come directly to you in a text message and email. Information about distance learning days will be posted on our official website (owassops.org), social media channels (Facebook & Twitter), and will also be sent to local media outlets to help spread the word.
As we step into this new semester, let us work together to empower our students to dream big, work hard, and achieve greatness. Thank you for your continued support and involvement in our school community. Here's to a successful and inspiring second semester!
Warmest Regards,
Dr. Margaret Coates
Owasso Public Schools