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1.07 Complaint Procedure

  • Section 1 | General
1.07 Complaint Procedure


A complaint is defined as a claim by a School District employee that there has been an inequitable application of a board policy directly related to the complaining employee’s employment.


  1. An employee shall submit a written complaint citing the policy which the employee believes to have been inequitably applied within ten (10) days of the alleged occurrence to his/her immediate supervisor.
  2. If the complaint is not resolved to the employee’s satisfaction following a meeting with the immediate supervisor, the employee may, within ten (10) days, appeal his/her complaint to the Assistant Superintendent or his/her designee.
  3. If the complaint is not resolved to the employee’s satisfaction following a meeting with the Assistant Superintendent or his/her designee, the employee may, within ten (10) days, submit a written appeal to the Superintendent.
  4. If the complaint is not resolved to the employee’s satisfaction following a meeting with the Superintendent, the employee may, within ten (10) days, submit a written appeal to the Board.
  5. The Board will consider the complaint at its next regularly scheduled meeting or at a special meeting called for that purpose. The employee will be afforded an opportunity to appear before the Board and present his/her viewpoint before a decision of the Board is made. The decision of the Board will be final and binding on all parties.
  6. No reprisals will be taken against any employee by reason of the employee’s utilization of this complaint procedure.

Records of complaints will be kept in a separate complaint file and no record of a complaint will be kept in the individual file of a school district employee.