Board Meeting Information
As required by Section 311, Title 25 of the Oklahoma Statutes, notice is hereby given that the Board of Education of Independent School District No. 11, Tulsa County, Oklahoma will hold a Special Board Meeting on:
Wednesday, February 19, 2025, at 12:00 p.m.
Dale C. Johnson Education Service Center
1501 N. Ash, Owasso, Oklahoma
Please note: Board of Education regular meetings will typically be held on the second Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the Dale C. Johnson Education Service Center Conference Room located at 1501 N. Ash. Agendas for each meeting are posted on this website and at the Education Service Center at least 24 hours in advance of each meeting, excluding weekends and holidays.
Request to Speak or Address the Board
A request to address the Board on any agenda item for the scheduled meeting may be made.
Organizations, groups, or individuals may request to speak to the Board during the public comment segment scheduled for all regular board meetings.
Such request must be made by the person wanting to address the Board on any agenda item for the scheduled meeting by signing their name and number of the agenda item to be discussed/addressed at least ten (10) minutes prior to the beginning of the meeting on the sign-in sheet provided at each Regular Board meeting.
A request to address the Board on any non-agenda item must be received by the board minutes clerk in writing seven (7) calendar days prior to the Board’s next regular meeting date.
The board minutes clerk can be contacted at or via mail at the address below:
Owasso Public Schools
Attn: Renae Klein
1501 N Ash St
Owasso, OK 74055 -
Topics for discussion must be specific in nature, as required by law for school board meetings.
Five (5) minutes are allowed for each individual to comment. The total time allotted to public comment at regular Board meetings will not exceed thirty (30) minutes.
For more information on public comments to the Board, please see the Public Participation policy (#1.40) in the Owasso Public Schools Policy Manual.
Meeting Details
The meeting agenda and streaming link (if available) will be posted at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.
Video of the streamed meetings will be available via the same link after the meeting.
Meeting minutes will be posted following approval by the board at the next month's meeting. For example, January meeting minutes will be posted after February's meeting.
Scheduled meeting dates and times for the Owasso Board of Education for 2024/2025 are listed below.
Please note those dates containing an asterisk (*) do not follow the regular 2nd Monday of the month schedule.