
Grades 5-8


First Lego LeagueFifth Grade students apply through applications to become a member at Ator, Bailey, Barnes, Hodson, Mills, Morrow, Northeast, and Stone Canyon Elementary Schools to become part of the robotics teams. Teams consist of no more than 10 students each. Students will be introduced to real-world engineering challenges by building LEGO-based robots in which they learn how to come up with solutions with a theme-based project.  FLL teams are assisted by adult coaches, their sponsor and imagination to discover career possibilities. 

Middle school students apply through applications at the beginning of the school year to become a member of the team.  Teams consist of no more than 10 students each.

Elementary and middle school students get to:

  1. Design, build, test, and program robots using LEGO MINDSTREAMS technology
  2. Apply real-world math and science concepts
  3. Research challenges
  4. Learn team-building, presentation skills, and critical thinking
  5. Participate in regional competitions (if qualify, they can go to state)